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Bob Was Hungry

Bob Was Hungry

86 Положительный / 189 Рейтинги | Версия: 1.0.0

Shorebound Studios

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Скачать Bob Was Hungry на ПК с помощью эмулятора GameLoop

Bob Was Hungry — популярная паровая игра, разработанная Shorebound Studios. Вы можете скачать Bob Was Hungry и лучшие игры Steam с GameLoop, чтобы играть на ПК. Нажмите кнопку «Получить», чтобы получить последние лучшие предложения на GameDeal.

Получите Steam-игру Bob Was Hungry

Bob Was Hungry — популярная паровая игра, разработанная Shorebound Studios. Вы можете скачать Bob Was Hungry и лучшие игры Steam с GameLoop, чтобы играть на ПК. Нажмите кнопку «Получить», чтобы получить последние лучшие предложения на GameDeal.

Bob Was Hungry Возможности

Bob Was Hungry is a challenging precision platformer with many levels designed to truly test your platforming skills.

Bobs have been scouring the universe for food for millions of years. For the most part, food had been plentiful and easy to acquire...planets made entirely of cheese were abundant, and finding one could leave a bob full for a lifetime. However, time has passed, and food has become scarce. Greedy bobs so carelessly ate two or three cheese planets at a time, and now cheese planets are as rare to find as a bob with a full stomach.

Bobs unable to stumble upon one of the last extremely rare cheese-havens were forced out into the unknown. Now they traverse as many planets as they can in hopes of finding a scrap of food to survive. Unfortunately, their trips are dangerous, and the planets are treacherous. Finding food is not like it used to be.

You play as one of these bobs, and it is up to you to find the meal that will finally satisfy your bob's insatiable appetite.

Play alone, or play online with up to 8-player co-op in four frantic multiplayer modes:

  • Co-op: Play with your friends and help one another make it to the end! Recommended for beginners.

  • “Shared Death” Co-op: Everyone has to make it to the end of each stage. If one person dies, everyone dies and has to start the stage over.

  • Competitive Race: Race against your friends for the fastest time and the highest score.

  • Competitive Survival Race: Race against your friends, but you only get one life per stage!

Key Features:

  • 2-8 player online cooperative and competitive modes

  • Online game modes include co-op, shared death co-op, competitive race, and competitive survival race

  • Challenging precision platforming

  • Over 170 levels set in 5 Unique Zones

  • 38 Steam Achievements

  • Steam Trading Cards

  • Controller support
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Скачать Bob Was Hungry на ПК с помощью эмулятора GameLoop

Получите Steam-игру Bob Was Hungry

Bob Was Hungry — популярная паровая игра, разработанная Shorebound Studios. Вы можете скачать Bob Was Hungry и лучшие игры Steam с GameLoop, чтобы играть на ПК. Нажмите кнопку «Получить», чтобы получить последние лучшие предложения на GameDeal.

Bob Was Hungry Возможности

Bob Was Hungry is a challenging precision platformer with many levels designed to truly test your platforming skills.

Bobs have been scouring the universe for food for millions of years. For the most part, food had been plentiful and easy to acquire...planets made entirely of cheese were abundant, and finding one could leave a bob full for a lifetime. However, time has passed, and food has become scarce. Greedy bobs so carelessly ate two or three cheese planets at a time, and now cheese planets are as rare to find as a bob with a full stomach.

Bobs unable to stumble upon one of the last extremely rare cheese-havens were forced out into the unknown. Now they traverse as many planets as they can in hopes of finding a scrap of food to survive. Unfortunately, their trips are dangerous, and the planets are treacherous. Finding food is not like it used to be.

You play as one of these bobs, and it is up to you to find the meal that will finally satisfy your bob's insatiable appetite.

Play alone, or play online with up to 8-player co-op in four frantic multiplayer modes:

  • Co-op: Play with your friends and help one another make it to the end! Recommended for beginners.

  • “Shared Death” Co-op: Everyone has to make it to the end of each stage. If one person dies, everyone dies and has to start the stage over.

  • Competitive Race: Race against your friends for the fastest time and the highest score.

  • Competitive Survival Race: Race against your friends, but you only get one life per stage!

Key Features:

  • 2-8 player online cooperative and competitive modes

  • Online game modes include co-op, shared death co-op, competitive race, and competitive survival race

  • Challenging precision platforming

  • Over 170 levels set in 5 Unique Zones

  • 38 Steam Achievements

  • Steam Trading Cards

  • Controller support
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  • gamedeal user

    Aug 20, 2015

    Bob was Hungry is a difficult precision platformer which emphasises on a somewhat of a trial-and-error playstyle. The game seems very similar (if not almost identical) to the hit game "Super Meat Boy!" - With the exception that it is a different art-style, and of course 3D. The game is incredibly challenging - I have been a platformer for years and was surprised to see some of the early levels be so difficult. However, after one or two failed attempts you can easily do the level. Some of the obstacles placed are in ways that you may not notice until you either land right next to it, or right into it - Highlighting the trial-and-error playstyle I mentioned. Despite it's difficulty, the game is incredibly forgiving. There is no life system, no punishment for dying and no setting you back - Instead you have a death counter in the top right, tracking how many times you died attempting that level. The death counter will stick on your personal best (If, of course, it was your personal best attempt) and will go down with further attempts. Each level has a secret "sauce" that must be found to complement the main dish at the end of the level. It isn't needed to complete it, but it adds an extra reason to explore levels and take more risks if you're a completionist. I would recommend this to seasoned platformers and to people who are looking for a humourous yet challenging game.
  • gamedeal user

    Aug 21, 2015

    Too many blind drops/jumps and obscured insta-kills for my taste. Some levels are nigh-impossible to complete on the first go without dying because you simply can't see the spikes until a nano-second before you land on them. That's what makes Super Meat Boy so great. It's 100% fair. If you die, it's because YOU messed up. Not because you couldn't see the spikes until you landed on them. There are several instances in this game of Bob getting hidden behind a tree or the camera angles hides him behind a wall... That you're trying to climb... And then when you finally emerge from behind the tree or wall, surprise! Spikes! Much of this could be avoided simply by zooming out the camera a little more. Not all of it, obviously, but maybe 85-90% which would be a huge deal. Bob Was Hungry doesn't get it all wrong though. Not at all. The speed is perfect and the controls are pretty tight. (Not perfect but certainly above average and good enough that they feel comfortable and you don't feel like you're fighting the controls rather than the levels.) The level design suffers a little from lack of flow so you have to stop and wait all the time — i.e. it doesn't feel like it was designed for speed (and neither does the mandatory condiment bottle which could go to hell for all I care) but overall it's very decent. I would argue that it still needs some work but the foundation is really good. I wish I could leave the review neutral because I would certainly recommend the game if a few of the biggest kinks get worked out, but in its current state I can't in good conscience recommend it to any platforming enthusiast.
  • gamedeal user

    Nov 28, 2015

    Online multiplayer with a bunch of friends on Steam is a blast. This game is worth way more than 50 cents (that's how much it was when I got it on sale). It's sort of like Super Meat Boy 2.5d with online coop. Graphics are good. Performance is solid and the netcode is very well-done. Great game if you like challenging and fun platformers.
  • gamedeal user

    Dec 5, 2015

    The game start off as easy jump platformer game and it's really a lot of fun to play with your friends. The difficulty of the game keep increasing along the way to the end which frustated me and my friends while attempting to finish this game. There is a lot of one chance level where from the start to finish you shall not make any mistake or you will have to start the level over. Because of that, you will die a lot in this game. There's even an achievement for dying a lot. All my struggle is worth it to finish this game. Oh yeah, I suggest that you play this game with your friend. I can't imagine someone finish this game in single player mode (that's badass).
  • gamedeal user

    Jan 26, 2016

    Very, VERY underrated game. Support the developers by buying it they're like broke after releasing it because not enough people bought it because they're blind or something buy it please ill kiss you
  • gamedeal user

    Jul 7, 2016

    meatball meatball spaghetti underneath ravioli ravioli great barrier reef 10/10 best meatball game ever
  • gamedeal user

    Oct 22, 2016

    I have a decently high tolerance for difficult platformer games, but I have to stop playing this one due to how frustrated it makes me. At most points it isn't much more difficult than other games in the platformer genre, but the slippery way the character handles, the inability to know what comes next in a level due to the up close point of view, and the fact that levels are sometimes more lengthy than they ought to be turns decent challenges into aggravating marathons. When it comes to games like this, I enjoy playing through them all the way at least once on the easiest difficulty, but there are a few levels of the easier difficulty in this game that I feel would be more fitting as the hard variant for that level. In any case, the main reason I am not recommending this game is because I, personally, am not having fun and have found very few of the levels enjoyable to play. However, if you are really interested in trying out Bob Was Hungry, there is also a free demo of the game available through Steam. I'm not sure how many levels you get to experience with the demo, but, since you have the chance, you should definitely play it for yourself before letting someone talk you out of it.
  • Strzelec®

    Dec 10, 2016

    Interesting platform game with many challenges. You should have fun with your friends.
  • gamedeal user

    Jun 28, 2017

    Played this game with some friends as a drinking game. "First person to make it to the goal line wins, the rest take a shot" was the idea... It says I have 3 hours of playtime but probably 2 of that is me passed out at my desk. There is a reason we don't play this game anymore...
  • gamedeal user

    Aug 6, 2017

    for 99 cents, worth, im into mini games like speed runners and this, and 150+ levels, so worth. I bought a wbble bubble for 100 dollars, i stabbed it and it broke, like TF?!
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